p r e s i d e n t 's n o t e
South Hill Artists ✫ Newsletter January 2025 ✫ Issue 70
President’s Message
As this new year begins, we inevitably pursue New Year’s resolutions, goals and ideas.
I believe the greatest gift or goal you can give yourself, is to experience each and every moment in your day, and always be present in your mind, heart and soul. Take time to be mindful of the people in your life and world. Be mindful of words spoken, care and love given. Honor your creativity with attention and also taking time to explore that deep longing, to create something from within.
Take hold of the days in 2025 and make them your own…be joyful and go explore your creativity today!
“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”
~Maya Angelou
Our Next Demo Will Be:
Thursday, February 6, 2025
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
D e b o r a h R o s k o p f
February 6, 2025 10:00 - 2:00
​​​"Landscape in Gouache"​
Gouache Demonstration and Workshop
Prepare a Substrate
Surfaces that are appropriate for watercolor work with gouache. Because gouache can crack if applied thickly, I use a rigid surface such as mat board or watercolor paper affixed to mat board.
- Prepare one (or 2) substrates taped to size 7H x 5W.
- Put reference image on your phone/Ipad or bring good quality print out
- Find reference image near bottom of page
​ Paints
You’ll use more white than any other color. Tube watercolors mix with gouache, so if you don’t want to purchase gouache, you might find the sleeping tubes of watercolor that are in the back of a drawer and bring them before they dry up.
Here is the layout of my current palette. Yours will look different, but this can be a guide.
Purchase designer, professional gouache, NOT acrylic gouache.
Gouache has more body than watercolor, so bring brushes similar to what you would use for acrylic. I use primarily flats, angles, and sometimes a bright shape. And a cheap 1” “chip” brush. Some of my brushes are in great shape, some are old and I like their “oldness”. Make sure you have a 1” flat and whatever you prefer in a variety of sizes and shapes below 1” so you can find what works best for you.
Here Is My Studio Setup
- iPad & Stand
- Angled board
- Water jug
- Toilet paper roll with paper towel around it for blotting brush
- Scrap paper for testing
- White gouache in separate small container. Colors in storage container.
-Enameled butcher pan for mixing surface
-Spray water bottle & small squeeze bottle
Other Supplies to bring
- Tape
- Board for taping your substrate to
- Support for board
- Water jug
- Palette for mixing
- Paper towels or rags
- Any other tools you think you may need.
Call me at 425-754-0628
Watch this video to learn about gouache and what you can expect:
Members’ Corner​
Do you know of an art show, competition, workshop, class,
Or art exhibit that may interest other SHA members?
To include information in the newsletter, please send the information
To the email below by the first of the month.
The email address that generates the SHA newsletter is not monitored.
Please send email inquiries to:
SHA Membership Information
Membership to South Hill Artists - SHA offers individuals numerous opportunities to create, learn and gather in a supportive and creative atmosphere. Throughout the year there are scheduled live demos, where one can paint and create alongside an experienced professional artist. Twice per year SHA holds a weeklong art camp workshop in Eatonville, at an affordable cost to its members. Membership also gives artists the opportunity to display and sell their artwork in SHA’s annual art exhibit. Members will receive an email newsletter, announcements, an invitation to join the private SHA Facebook group, and participate in various social events.
A paid SHA Membership entitles you to participate in all these activities, September through August. Payment of dues is required 30 days prior to participation in art exhibits and shows. SHA members are encouraged to volunteer and support SHA activities, events, and chartered objectives.
Membership dues are $50.00 for the 2023-2024 SHA year. When joining SHA, please download and fill in the SHA Membership Form. Send the completed form with your check to the address below. Membership dues can also be paid at the monthly demo meeting. Also, please update your contact information when joining or renewing your SHA membership.
Guests are welcome to attend and participate in an art demonstration for a $30.00 fee. Invite a friend to join us!
Membership dues are $50.00 for the 2024-2025 SHA year. When joining SHA, please download and fill in the SHA Membership Form. Send the completed form with your check to the address below. Membership dues can also be paid at the monthly demo meeting. Also, please update your contact information when joining or renewing your SHA membership.
Guests are welcome to attend and participate in an art demonstration for a $30.00 fee. Invite a friend to join us!
Please send your payment to:​
PO Box 731762
Puyallup, WA 98373-0019
Please Note:
- Posts, information, or details for the website and newsletter need to be received by the 1st day of the month to be included that month.
- The email address that generates the SHA newsletter is not monitored. Please send email to: